What is the relationship center?It is a meeting where you can meet various single dolsing relationships by age and region in one place through offline single gatherings, dolsing gatherings, and group meetings.Find a precious relationship for singles/dolsing people through the dating center, dolsing meeting, and singles meeting.How to apply for a dating site single/dolsing meeting?You can participate in the meeting by applying for a meeting announced through the website or application of the dating site.Find a new dolsing/single partner through an offline group meeting placeThose who feel burdened to meet the opposite sex through a marriage information company and anxious to meet someone online!Those who have been subjected to unspoken pressure while receiving stinging glares from relatives every holiday in a long solo life!People who have been spending time on TV and computers because there is no reason to spend free time with them!Meet single dolsing people from all walks of life who were hard to meet in everyday life at the dating center!